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Showing posts from April, 2019

Rare Sighting

Isaac, the third child, the screamer, the biter, the spanking recipient, and the reason why I can't kick my chocolate addiction.  But today, for one blessed minute, he held my hand.  This strong, mighty, stubborn child finally let me hold his hand.  It was such a rare sighting that I had to take a picture.   It's baby duck season.   Nope, that newborn hat doesn't seem to fit you anymore Isaac. Watching Blippi, his favorite show, the only time he's perfectly still.   This baby will be 2 on May 15th!  We love our I-Max!

April Happenings

2019 is in full swing! Spring has sprung!  Let's be honest, I'm a warm weather person.  And this warmer weather is making me very happy.   Mckenzie had another eye doctor appointment.  This time at Artisan Optics.  Her Dr was great.  Very fun and good with kids.  She diagnosed Mckenzie as having esotropia of her right eye and being farsighted.  Mckenzie's eyes have to work really hard to see things close up.  Her left eye is stronger than her right eye which is why I was noticing her turning her head to focus on things.   Mckenzie did really good at the eye doctor.  It helps that they used princess stickers as a reward for doing different tests.  She hated when they put the eye drops in to dilated her eyes.  Luckily she did great the rest of the day despite having dilated eyes. The eye doctor said that vision therapy wouldn't help her eyes.  Instead having a strong prescription would help her ri...

April Fools

Hey there!  It's incredible how fast these past few months have been.  Actually since having Isaac I think time has been flying.  I'm grateful to post updates on this blog to help me remember life with three kids.  Maybe one day I'll have to figure out how to print all these posts.  On April 1st Mckenzie, Channing, and I woke up to saran wrap in front of our bedroom doors.  Only Channing didn't see it in time before he walked right into it.  Other pranks included freezing the kids cereal bowls, switching a kitchen drawer, and turning milk green.  Channing also did a water bottle prank to Mckenzie which got him in big trouble.  I told him not to do it but I guess his idea was too good to not try.  Basically he told Mckenzie to look in his water bottle and then he squeezed it which shot water up her nose.  I could tell he actually felt really bad afterward.   On April 3rd I took Mckenzie to the eye doctor.  ...