We've had Jett for 1 whole year. What in the world were we thinking getting a 12 week old puppy? And it wasn't even Justin's idea! I had been thinking about getting a dog for months. I would tell Justin, "please remind me why it's a terrible idea to get a puppy." And then we would discuss all the negatives to getting a dog. And then the next day I would go back to thinking about it! I could NOT get it out of my head. Weird. Click HERE for a post shortly after getting Jett. I would peruse craigslist looking at all sorts of listings for dogs. I knew I wanted a dog that didn't shed. One night I found a listing for a springerdoodle puppy. It was a slightly blurry picture of a very black, fluffy puppy. I was mainly interested because it was a few hundred dollars less than other "doodle" breeds. I started texting the breeder and set up a time to just come look at the puppy. That was a joke. Ain't no...