Melissa and I are adjusting to our new area. It's different living in an apartment complex. And our new ward (or church congregation) takes a bit of getting used to. We've met nice people though. Turns out that one of the families is from the mission I served in (Las Vegas West), and was taught by an Elder that I served around. So it was nice doing a little reminiscing. But there are also things that are hard to know how to respond to. An activity this week is a perfect example: A Hotdog, Indexing Party. Nothing like doing some family history work while munching on bulk, rolled beef. There certainly isn't anything wrong with eating a hodge-podge of meat while attempting to read illegible names. Just an odd event. Not really sure why, but hotdogs often remind me of bologna. As a kid (a child - not a baby goat) , if I was craving a hotdog but we didn't have any - I'd simply tightly wrap up a slice of bologna. If I was feeling creative I'd maybe even roll up a s...