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Showing posts from January, 2019

Christmas 2018

This is Mckenzie sleeping in our closet.  Anyone else feel exhausted when Christmas is over? This Christmas we had my mom, dad, Jeff, Cortney, and Patrick stay at our house.  Everyone arrived on December 21st.  That's also mine and Justin's 8th wedding anniversary.  They let us leave them with the kids while we went to try a new restaurant that was really yummy. On Saturday some of us met up at Country Donuts before heading to Costco.  Those donuts are so good.  It was a bit busy at Costco but still fun.  We of course got some hotdogs and such after shopping.  That evening we hosted dinner at our house.  We ate salmon.  Everyone's favorite! Sunday was church day.  Channing was so cute singing with the Primary kids.  That night everyone went on a drive to see Christmas lights. Monday, Christmas Eve day, was super fun!  The day started at Express Cafe.  All of us took up three tables.  It was nice to have a yummy breakfast with everyone.  And no one had