Last week I was having some bad moments with the kids. You know how it goes. Some days I feel like I put out fire after fire. On one particular day it felt like Isaac's job was to pull everything out of the cabinets, climb everything in sight, and hit Mckenzie. At one point in the day I was feeling over overwhelmed and honestly just plain pissed off. While muttering negative things under my breath and picking something off the floor I turned around to find Isaac sitting in Jett's water bowl. Just sitting contently in a bowl of water. I had to changed his pants and diaper. Oh, and Isaac was so proud and happy to be sitting in water. I love you so much Isaac! Please stop making me crazy!
Channing = most adorable kindergartener. Went to parent teacher conferences last week and he's killing it at school! I loved that his teacher said he always raises his hand, stays on task, and works really hard.
Mckenzie asks me at least once a day to take a picture of her and Jett. Jett looks like he's saying, "Yup, she's sitting on me again."
Channing = most adorable kindergartener. Went to parent teacher conferences last week and he's killing it at school! I loved that his teacher said he always raises his hand, stays on task, and works really hard.
The fall weather has been awesome. Not joking, I might actually like fall now. If only it didn't turn into winter. Since the weather usually warms up to mid 60's or low 70's in the afternoon we've been walking Channing to school and picking him up. I've also been bringing Jett on these walks since otherwise he doesn't get many walks during the week. And since getting a choke collar (it's not a metal torture looking one, it's black and you can't tell he's wearing it) he's been doing great with not pulling.
I was on my way to pick Channing up from school, pushing two kids in the double jogging stroller and Jett walking next to us, when out of the blue Jett squats to take a poop. Lovely. We happen to be right next to the school by this point so all the parents waiting in the pick up line could see Jett taking a dump on the sidewalk. To make matters worse I suddenly realized that I had no poop bags with me. Nothing, not anything remotely helpful in picking up dog poop. I stood there thinking about what I should do. Should I strip Isaac's shirt off and use that? Haha, only slightly joking. A dozen people had just witnessed my dog pooping on the side walk. The poop wasn't even hidden in grass. I tried to remain calm as I processed my options. We were right next to a baseball field which had large trash cans. I walked up to the first one hoping that there would be a useable grocery bag or empty fast food bag inside. No luck, the trash can was empty. But then I realized that this trash can had a fresh garbage bag inside it. I promptly removed the enormous garbage bag from the trash can and proceeded to walk over to my dog's poop. Crisis averted! Yes, I probably looked silly using an extremely large bag for cleaning up dog poop. But it got cleaned up!
A nursery leader sent us this picture of Mckenzie. She was hiding before Justin picked her up. She's going to be a Sunbeam soon!
Last week I went to call Jett inside for the night. He's usually waiting right by the back door. I opened the door but couldn't see where he was. I called for him and then eventually he came walking slowing inside the house. I walked outside to see what he had been occupied with. It only took me a second to realize that Jett had finally been successful in capturing a squirrel. The poor squirrel now had no head and forearms. And Jett had a bloody face. So gross. Jett whined and whined after his bath to go back outside to continue enjoying his squirrel. Justin said the squirrel weighed more than he thought it would. Even with 1/3 of his body missing. I think I just barfed a little in my mouth....
This is my husband, the man I married, the man I will spend eternity with...sitting, hiding in my closet. Waiting patiently to scare the living daylights out of me. His determination to scare me is what actually scares me. Haha! I love that Justin does silly things. Just stop scaring me!
I have been trying to get better at acrylic painting. Channing saw me working on something for Mckenzie a month ago and asked for a picture of him and Jett. The boy loves his dog! Squirrel murderer and all.
This post is hilarious.