On Monday, July 31st, I took Channing, Mckenzie, and Isaac to a physical therapy appointment to help Isaac with his tongue tie. When Isaac was born the lactation consultant checked Isaac for tongue tie. He was significantly tongue tied and the pediatrician clipped his frenulum when he was a day old. Mckenzie was tongue tied as well but we didn't catch it till she was having problems nursing at 6 weeks old. I was happy that we fixed Isaac's problem before he had problems nursing. Unfortunately he started making a clicking noise while nursing when he was about 4 weeks old. Since his tongue was already clipped I tried to be patient and assumed the problem would fix itself over time. At his 2 month appointment Isaac was still clicking while nursing and he was swallowing a lot of air which makes him uncomfortable and grouchy. The pediatrician thought his tongue could be clipped a little more, so he did. I was patient (or sometimes not so patient) through another bad week of nursing. I took Isaac to a lactation class at St. Alphonsus. The lactation consultant thought that Isaac was still fairly tongue tied. She showed me some tongue stretches to do with him and gave me information for PT, ENT, and pediactric dentists. I called and talked to our pediatrician who said that he won't clipped Isaac's tongue anymore because it would bleed too much now. He suggested taking Isaac to see a physical therapist. So that takes us to two days ago when we saw Pat the PT. She gave me about 7 different exercises/stretches to do with Isaac before or after every feeding. I haven't seen any improvement yet. The PT said that after a week we'll be able to tell if the exercises are working or if Isaac will need his frenulum lasered by a pediactric dentist. I can't wait for the day when Isaac nurses without falling off every 10 seconds and stops swallowing so much air. I think he'll be a much happier baby then.
In other news (rolling my eyes) we are still having problems with Mckenzie related to her PSARP surgery. She has good and bad days. It's been almost 5 months since her surgery and she still poops too often. It almost seems like she's not able to hold in her poop and so she has small frequent bowel movements. Occasionally she has a good day with only two or three regular sized BM's. So much poop talk, sorry. But this is seriously my life. There's a fleshy protrusion from her anus that has not gone away since surgery. Unfortunately that means she'll probably need to be put under anesthesia again and get it fixed. Thinking about that makes me so upset to the point of rage. Justin and I felt good about the decision for Mckenzie to have surgery but ever since she's had surgery we've had problem after problem. So it's been really hard to remember that we felt inspired to have this surgery. I guess I lack faith.
Anyways, I feel pretty stressed and overwhelmed with my kids health problems lately. Yes it could be a lot worse. But these trials have definitely gotten to me sometimes. For example, when I've changed 6 poopy diapers in less than two hours from Mckenzie (who is yelling "make it feel better!") and Isaac just woke up after 10 minutes and is screaming because he has another painful bubble coming up. "...thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment." (D&C 121:7) Right? But these moments feel oh so long and drawn out. But yes I do believe that eventually they won't feel so overwhelming and things will work out for the best. Just taking things one day at a time.
Two weeks ago we went to the Meridian Youth Farmers Market. I spent way too much money. Why? Because I'm a sucker for buying things from kids. We bought local honey, caramel chocolate fudge, and two painted pictures for our house.
Cute goat at the farmers market. |
Channing loves catching bugs. It totally makes his day to catch something cool. I wish I could send him to a bug camp were they catch bugs all day. |
Isaac, the chunkiest baby around. |
Mckenzie loves to "go fishing" which means she sits and holds a string or rope and pretends to catch a fish. |
A trip to feed the ducks makes everyone happy. |
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