Since Isaac was born in the evening we waited till the next day to have the kids meet him. My mom brought Channing and Mckenzie in the morning to meet their new brother! Their faces were a mixture of excitement, joy, and slight confusion. Haha! Channing wanted to hold Isaac right away and he still loves holding him.
Our family of 5! Don't you love how Mckenzie brought her own baby? |
We did a 24 hour stay at the hospital and so we made it home around 8 or 9pm on Tuesday the 16th. I love being able to order food whenever I want and being able to just focus on Isaac while at the hospital. But there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed. And boy was I tired!
Welcome home Isaac! |
Isaac, 3 days old. |
Mckenzie loves holding Isaac. But you really gotta watch her! When she's done holding him she'll just shove him off her lap. |
Three Hamilton boys! |
And let the sleep deprivation begin! |
Brothers... so cute.
I was really lucky and my mom stayed for about two weeks after Isaac was born. I got to sleep in most mornings and take naps. Heaven! And sometimes she'd even bring me breakfast in bed! Yes, I was completely spoiled. And the kids loved having Justin home from work for a few days. I could definitely tell that they missed Justin and Cici's attention when everyone left/went back to work. Now they just have me! We've been surviving since my mom left and Justin's back to work. It helps that we don't go anywhere. Getting up in the morning is the hardest. But I'd say we're adjusting to having 3 kids pretty well! These days consist of: feeding Isaac, changing diapers, making food, cleaning up spit up, doing laundry, doing more laundry, going on walks, and enjoying the warmer weather.