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Happy Mother's Day

I am one lucky lady.  I don't mean to toot my own horn but I've got one awesome husband and two great kids.  The Saturday before mother's day the fam all went to Kneader's.  It was delicious!  And it happen to be buy one get one free all you can eat french toast.  Happy Day!

The next day (Mother's Day) Justin made me crepes for breakfast.  Can you tell I like breakfast?  And he bought Nutella to go on the crepes.  Ummm....amazing! 

The day before Mother's Day Justin and Channing went shopping for Mother's Day stuff.  When they got back I was sure that I could convince Channing to tell me where they went.  But he would not crack!!  Justin taught him to say "I'm not telling you anything!" when I asked about where they went.  He wouldn't budge at all!  On Mother's Day I came down stairs to a plethora of goodies!  See picture below.  

Best guy right here ---->

In other news, Mckenzie is 10 months old! She has one tooth and she's crawling and pulling herself up on everything.  Nothing is safe in this house anymore!  


  1. Always love your blogs and pictures... just don't know when you do it... so had a couple to read... love Mckenzie's smile...


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