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Happy 2016! Our family 2016 resolutions are to buy a home, have FHE every week, and get to church 10 minutes early.  I am excited for this year.  Justin turns the big 30 at the end of the month.  Channing turns 3 in March and Mckenzie will be 1 in July.  I'm looking forward to not being pregnant and feeling either nauseated or super-sized.  ;) We'll have our first whole year living in Meridian, Id...or where ever we end up moving to.
We had a great Christmas with my parents and the Crawfords.  Unfortunately, most of us were sick with something or other the whole time but it was still a good week.  Channing was definitely excited to see what Santa brought him.  It took us two days to open his presents because he kept wanting to play with each one after he opened it.

Cookies, milk, and a note for Santa!

She'll be 6 months in 4 days! Doesn't enjoy the solid food thing yet.


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