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Pain in the Neck Child

I have one child that's a pain in the neck because she has a pain in her neck!  Did you follow that?  Actually Mckenzie is adorable and an excellent baby, but the poor kid has torticollis.  Here's what google says about torticollis, a condition in which the head becomes persistently turned to one side, often associated with painful muscle spasms.  Mckenzie only wants to look forward and to the right.  This has caused the right side of her head to become flat. Last Thursday I took her to the physical therapist that specializes in this problem and received lots of good stretches that I need to do with Mckenzie 2-3 times a day.  She also wants Mckenzie to have tummy time about 5 times a day for 5 minutes each time.  The only time I can do these stretches successfully with Mckenzie is when she is falling asleep for a nap.  And it takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the stretches each time.  We're hopeful that within the next 6 weeks we'll see some improvement.  The PT lady said that Mckenzie is officially better when she can be in a tummy time position and turn her head to the left.  

Lots of tummy time! 

Instructions for stretches
Good big brother

Tickle time!
 I've got to tell you a story about the next picture.  One Monday for FHE we had Channing say the opening prayer.  And this is how it went, "Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. Thank you for mommy, daddy, Kenzie, Channing, horsy, swing, and toys. Amen."  Lol.  What a great prayer.  :)

Kenzie girl!


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