The first thing I want to talk about is baby Hamilton #4! On April 6th I had my 20 week ultrasound to check on baby Ham. It was exciting and reassuring to see that little baby kicking around. All things look good as far as the baby goes. Growing and developing well. Baby Ham was measuring about a week ahead. Which is pretty normal for me at this point. I went into the ultrasound thinking that this baby was going to be a girl but I'm usually wrong. And yup, I was wrong! It's a BOY! It blows my mind to think that we will have three boys. When did we suddenly become a house of boys!? Poor Mckenzie really wanted a sister. But she's been a trooper and seems to be happy. I told her we'll just have to do a lot of mommy daughter stuff. I bought each kid a new stuffed animal and wrapped a Hershey's bar. I colored in the "he" part of hersHEy to show that it was a boy. I think Mckenz...