Happy New Year! It's amazing to think that we are in the year 2020. First day of January we headed to the mountains to do some sledding. Funny story. We were half way to the mountain, a little over an hour from our house, and we realized that we forgot the sleds! Luckily an Albertson's close by had sleds to buy. Channing went super high up and would fly down the hill. Nausea has hit at full force and Channing lovingly makes me toast. Ouch!! Isaac bumped his head on the coffee table. Luckily he's a pretty tough kid. Nap time is better half naked right? Mckenzie made her own bed on the floor one night. Isaac got a hold of Justin's facial hair trimmer and gave himself a hair cut. First ultrasound to take a peak on baby Hamilton. I was about 10 weeks here. Poor Jett, just wondering when the weather will warm up. Happy 34th Birthday to Justin! We celebrated...