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Showing posts from October, 2015

Fall in Meridian, ID

Happy Fall!  It's getting chillier everyday.  Here's a bit of an update in our lives.  Channing is 2 years and 7 months old.  Just a little stud muffin.  He loves putting his hands in his pockets. On Oct 15th Channing woke up from his nap and declared he didn't need his binky anymore.  We put it in a baggy and left it on the front porch for the trash man to come get it.   He's been doing good at night but naps are hard.   Fun time at Farmstead! Mckenzie and Cici. It was a fun day of picking pumpkins, sitting in tractors, jumping on the bouncy pillow, and playing in the corn "beach". Practicing his trials riding. Just so you know...he still refuses to eat most food.  But he will eat sweet potato fries! Mckenzie's neck is doing much better.  After 3 weeks of physical therapy she is looking to the left more and more!  Here she's even looking to the left while in tummy time.  Good job M...