Remember how in my last few posts I talked about how we were teaching Channing to put himself back to sleep by letting him cry it out? Since Channing has been sick for over a week that has all gone down the drain.... The poor kid is so congested all the time. When we wakes up at night he usually will not take his binky and fall back asleep. Instead he needs his nose suctioned, which usually requires Justin holding Channing's head still or it's impossible. And lately he will not go back to sleep at all until he's fed again. Last night it was every 3 hours. I don't know if it's because his throat hurts or he just wants to be held. Whatever the reason, nights have been a little rough around here. Oh, and his naps during the day have been pretty bad. Crying a lot before falling asleep and then only sleeping for 20 or 30 minutes. Motherhood is definitely a 24/7 job. With no lunch breaks. And get this! Channin...