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Showing posts from May, 2013

Healthy baby, healthy husband

We just had Channing's 2 month check-up. He sure didn't like the shots. His body jumped & he immediately let out the loudest cry we have heard yet. It took a little while to console him. After he started getting food, he was happy. Hopefully he won't always turn to food for comfort though! He is officially large. There is no getting around it. He's already wearing 3-6 month clothes - some of which are too tight on him. He weighed in at 15lbs 6.5oz, 24" long and 16.5" head circumference! So that puts him in the 98th percentile for his weight. So I told Channing that out of every 100 babies - only 2 will be bigger than him (and those 2 are most likely freaks!) Of course everyone always says how healthy he is. At what age does being overweight stop being healthy? Hopefully I haven't passed that age yet because then I'd be in the best shape of my life! He's not fat, he's just easy to see! Heat makes things expand. I don't have a...

Statler or Waldorf?

Lately I've been finding myself become more opinionated about some things. The other day I couldn't find any music on the radio that interested me while driving home from work. So I turned it to a station that usually plays classical music - but it currently had public radio (NPR) on. I quickly realized what things they were talking about & engaged in the conversation myself (or rather by myself). Yelling at NPR like an opinionated old man. Oof. How is it going to be when I'm actually old? Mommy, please don't make us go over to Grandpa's. He is always yelling at the radio & tv. Half the time they aren't even turned on! Well if things continue, that will likely be the voice of my grandchildren! Guess the only question that remains, will I become Statler or Waldorf? However, for most things, I'm still very open and mild-tempered. I try not to become too wrapped up in particulars. I'd rather just go with the flow. Maybe my tolerance for stupi...